Monday, June 23, 2008

Homeworks 4 and 5

4) Your homework is to write about the student you talked to today. Describe their answers to the topics you discussed.

My partner was a friend of mine, so I already knew her pretty well. But was nice to read some of her answers to the topics on the worksheet; I learned some new things about her that I didn't know before :)

5) 1.Are feelings emotions and facial expressions universal across borders, happy, sad, etc..?2. Try to name as many feelings as possible in Japanese. ( 10 minimum) Now write the English translation.3. Are there any feelings in Japanese that cannot be translated into English?

I think that some emotions are pretty universal, like happy and sad. I think every langauge, as different as they may be to one another, has a basic word for happy and sad. Facial expressions though, I'm no so sure of. Smiling is the universal sign of happiness, but in my case, even though Im happy I may not smile a lot. So some people may interpret that Im upset about something

Emotions... 嬉しい、悲しい、眠い、楽天、いらいら、怒る、驚いている、心配、安心、がっかり (Happy, sad, sleepy, optimistic, annoyed, angry, surprised, worried, relieved, disappointed...? I hope haha)

Im still learning... not sure about this last part. めんどくさい?

1 comment:

HJU Teacher said...

I think this is a part of Japanese you should study further. Emotional descriptions are basically the same, but there are some interesting differences. Look at the other blogs on this subject and you will see some words, I never heard of too! Try to find the Japanese for them.