Wednesday, July 30, 2008


I took the workplace questionaire, and these were the results that I got:

Your score is 36 on a scale of 0 to 100 = Preference for Tolerance for Ambiguity
Your score indicates that you have a moderate Tolerance for Ambiguity and might be willing to give up job security for more opportunity. In countries/cultures with a Tolerance for Ambiguity, conflict in organizations is perceived as natural, and rules may be broken for pragmatic reasons. If you work in countries/cultures with a Need for Certainty, such as Japan, France, and Greece, you might react by creating a micro-environment that would shield you from the burden of what you might perceive as excessive structures, rules, and regulations. In countries with a high Need for Certainty, loyalty to an employer is seen as an advantage; a specialist career is preferred over a career in management.

I think I would work best in the USA, due to the low score I recieved! I like the flexibility and less-strict working style.


Asian Girl said...

I strongly agree with your opinion.
I also prefer the flexibility and less-strict working style.

Madonna said...

I think so. In the USA and another foreign countries are more flexibility than Japan. It's important.

Happy Ghost said...

thank you for your commments! :)