Sunday, January 6, 2008

Homework #11- Men and Women


Do you agree or disagree with the author (who is Japanese). Please explain why in your blog.

I'm not really sure if I'm in a position where I can agree or disagree with the author. I really have no idea how Japanese men's minds work, and I haven't really spent any time with Japanese guys here, so I don't know much about them. So I honestly can't say that I agree or disagree... considering that the author is a Japanese woman and has more experience dealing with Japanese men than I do, I guess I would have to agree because she would naturally know better than me! haha, this is a difficult post...

But in my opinion, I think the guys are being a little selfish and childish. If they are worried about spending too much money on their girlfriends, maybe the girls they are dating (who may be demanding gifts), aren't right for them and they should find someone else who isn't so greedy. And as for the men saying they are annoyed because their girlfriends 'expect them to call', that is just plain laziness...


bullet train said...

I agree with Japanese author. Because I think it's very interesting for me. For example I like Tetsuko Kuroyanagi of "Tottochan".

baby pink said...

Happy New Year!!
This article and the topic are difficult for you to comment. I agree with you saying men are selfish, shildish, and laziness. I've always heard men say they want a girlfriend. However, once they get a girlfriend, they don't want to call her back, spend money for their girlfriend, and have serious relationship. It does not make sense at all. I know the way showing their love is different for each person but still it is difficult to understand men sometimes...

Candy said...

I agree your opinion. I think the man is a little selfish. However, I believe that the man will appeare who can understand the women's feeling.

Rinhan said...

I agree with your opinion.
Sure, some man has childish points.
They like chicken, beef than the dish of vegetable since they had grown up.