Sunday, November 4, 2007

Homework #3

1. Do you judge people according to what they wear? Why?

I think everyone to a certain extent judges people by their outward appearance. But I don't think it's imporant. They're just clothes...

2 Do you think Japanese society puts an importance on clothing when judging other people from another country?

This may give away who I am, but... I remember being so afraid of what people would think of me based on how I dressed before coming here. I've had to change the way I dress to try and fit in the best I could. I bought all new clothes before arriving.

3. What colors are you wearing now? Do they reflect your mood?

I'm wearing black and white now. I'm not sure if they reflect my mood or not. If black is sad, and white is happy, does that make me bipolar?

Next week we will discuss friends, please prepare by answering the following questions:
1. What are some subjects that you will never discuss with a friend?

I would usually never discuss any politics or religion with my friends. Usually with some of my friends, we share very different options so it is better for us not to discuss them and just have fun.

2. Do you have different friends for different parts of your life? If so, how are they different to you? Do you talk about different things? Go to different places? Give me some examples.

Most of my friends now I've made in college (I've only kept 3 or so friends from high school), and we do almost everything together. There really aren't different groups amongst our friends, we all go out together and talk together. We're like a big family.


bullet train said...

I don't mind what people are wearing. Because I think people choose their clothes by themselves, so if they don't know what they should wear, they shold ask their family or friends, "Am I suit it to me?"

sunflower said...

I have discussed religion with my friends because my friends and I are same religion. If we have different religion, I would hesitate to talk about religion.

bob said...

I think so, too.
I don't think that wearing clothes colors reflect my mood. In my case, I choose clothes catches my eye at that time. How about you?

HJU Teacher said...

Everyone had great comments. Happy ghost, thanks for sharing your thoughts and ideas on these subjects. All the students really enjoy your point of view.

Naaćƒ¼♪ said...

If I choose my clothes' color, I reflect my mood.