Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Homework #5- Superstitions

We talked about many superstitions in many countries, but do you think it is important to talk about them? Why?Is communication affected by superstitions?Do you believe in Japanese superstitions? If so, what superstitions, what do they mean and why do you do,use, or believe in them?

I think it's important to study other countries' superstitions because if we were to ever travel to another country, we wouldn't want to make anyone uncomfortable or cause any awkward situations by accidently doing something they considered superstitious. Also, it's really interesting to study. :)

I don't really believe in (American) superstitions, but I still sometimes react to them. Like if I see someone open an umbrella indoors or walk under a ladder, I'd be sort of shocked and think 'uh-oh.. thats not good..'. But sometimes superstitions are just fun because they can make life a little more interesting. Like if Im with my friends in a restaraunt and someone knocked over the salt shaker, we could tease them a little and say they have bad luck. We don't really believe it, but its just fun to tease eachother.


tulalup said...

Hi, i think your opinion,why it's important to study other countries supersuttion, is really true and i agree with that. I need to know to avoid make someone uncomdortable or hurt.

DUMBO said...

Hello! I have same opinion with you. If you study other countries superstition, you will not give a uncomfortable felling for partner.