Wednesday, July 30, 2008


(I just want to first say thank you to Mrs. Meiki and this class! This was by far my favorite class and i'm going to miss attending on monday afternoons. But thank you so much for the great experience; I'll miss you!)

If I could work for the United Nations, the job that I would like to do would involve gender issues. There was a job vacancy listed under employment as a "Gender Affairs Officer".

The reason why I would be a gender affairs officer is that because this world is becoming more and more equal, there are so many women in this world who are abused, mistreated, uneducated, and looked down upon by the countries and cultures they live in (and not all mistreatment is always physical, sometimes discrimination can be more of a social problem or custom that not many people can clearly notice without looking closer). So I would want to help create a more equal and safe world for women. A woman should be able to read a book or walk outside alone without having to worry about being beaten or abused.


HJU Teacher said...

A big thank you to you, too! I hope your trip home was a safe one. I will miss you in class, your opinions were very important to expose the Japanese students to a different way of thinking. I think exposure and knowledge of another culture is the key to CCC and the beginning of the end of stereo-typing. Good luck in your last year of school, keep in touch and visit us again.

compton335 said...

I think thatwould be difficult, not so much achieving equality, but to whatdegree. So many cultures, historically, are patriarchal. Gender roles in a society are a major part of countless cultural customs and even language. Complete gender equality, especially in a cross-cultural setting will not be easy.

Happy Ghost said...

true, but equality to the point when women can walk outside alone and not be beaten for breaking some law or having the ability to read a book and be educated has got to be reached... cultural and languages differences should be noted and respected, but if women aren't given even simple human rights, then I think something has to be done about it